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Eleventh Grade Enlgish

AP English 11 Language & Composition

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

In Classes 3/19 thru 3/25

English 10-4 B/D Days, Block 2
English 10-3 A/C Days, Block 4

The following activities took place in class today:

1) Proofreading Practice: "Bird Watching in Australia."

2)Two more Writing Journal Prompts were assigned in-class:

a) Writing Journal Prompt 5: My Own Private Utopia— A utopia, according to Webster’s dictionary, is “any place or state of ideal perfection.” One person’s utopia might be a country where discrimination does not exist and all lifestyles are tolerated. Another person’s utopia might be a huge city full of clubs, theaters, and restaurants. What is your idea of utopia? If you could design the ideal society, what kind of laws would govern it? What would it look like? What kind of people would live there?

b) Writing Journal Prompt 6: Like Hemingway— Read the following passage from Ernest Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises.In it, Hemingway conveys gloominess and dread by describing the weather. “In the morning it was raining. A fog had come over the mountains from the sea. You could not see the tops of the mountains. The plateau was dull and gloomy, and the shapes of the trees and the houses were changed. I walked out beyond the town to look at the weather. The bad weather was coming over the mountains from the sea.” Write a passage that conveys a mood by describing the weather and what is happening as a result of the weather.

3) Adjourn to the library to complete researching two articles on the subject of recent (2008 forward) Hate Crimes and began drafting a short essay in which students will connect the atrocities of the Jewish Holocaust to more current hate crimes. The paper is due the following class (3/23 for 11-4, 3/25 for 11-3).

4) Night was completed in class and additional comprehension questions were assigned.
Homework due next class:
1) Hate Crimes essay due 3/23 for 11-4, 3/25 for 11-3.
Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.

Read Up and Write On!