English 10-3 A/C Days, Block 4
English 10-4 B/D Days, Block 2
With only ten (!) classes left before the end of the school year, the focus of our next four weeks will be in wrapping up and assessing what we have learned this school. The center piece of these activities will be the Final Assessment Project (FAP), which students received today.
The Final Assessment Project is a culminating set of activities designed to allow students to reflect on the past year and to give the teacher the opportunity to assess student growth.
The following activities took place in class today:
1) Writing Journal Entry 19--Music Memories: Songs can invoke vivid memories; hearing a particular song can rocket you back to seventh grade or last summer. Write about a song that is really evocative of a certain time in your life.Homework due next class:
2) Fallen Angels quizzes returned and the answers reviewed.
3) Final Assessment Project introduced and expectations reviewed.
4) Reading Rewind 1: Lord of the Fliesassigned.
1) Reading Rewind 1: Lord of the Flies.Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.
2) Organize Student Folder chronologically (if not finished in-class).
3) Bring a pencil to the next as a Parallel Assessment will be administered.
Read Up and Write On!
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