NOTE: Due to Mr. Scott's absence today (Friday 5/22), what was covered in class is NOT the same as what was done in the other English 10 class.
English 10-4 B/D Days, Block 4
The following activities were assigned for completion in class today, and require the use of The Language of Literature (Yellow) text:
1) Read “The Indian and The Hundred Cows” by Rodolfo Anya, pages 639-640, and complete a diagram as assigned at the bottom of page 638 under “Active Reading.” After reading, answer all of the following questions on page 643 in writing on loose-leaf: “Thinking through the Literature” questions 1 (including Comprehension Check), 2, 3 (including bulleted “Think About” questions, 4 and 7.
2) Read “Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan, pages 1215-1220, and complete a diagram as assigned at the bottom of page 1215 under “Active Reading.” After reading, answer all of the following questions on page 1221 in writing on loose-leaf: “Thinking through the Literature” questions 1 (including Comprehension Check), 2, 3 (including bulleted “Think About” questions, 4, and 5. Also, complete a “Literary Analysis” chart as assigned in the right hand column of page 1221.
Homework due next class:
1) None.
Remember, it is
YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to
Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.
Read Up and Write On!