English 10-4 B/D Days, Block 2
English 10-3, A/C Days, Block 4
The following activities took place in class today:1) Paragraph Proofreading Practice
Homework for Completion Over the Recess:
2) Sort Cards (100!) coded (as literary elements (LE), literary techniques (T), parts of speech (P)) bagged and collected.
3) Mastery sentence Writing introduced as a strategy for developing a more complex vocabulary and as a way to continue acquiring the ability to read unfamiliar terms and determine meaning based on their context. (Whew!)
5) Glossary of Terms, Reading Journal assignment and student copies of the new novel, Night by Elie Weisel, were distributed, reviewed and reading begun.
1) Read pages 3-22 of Night and complete a full Reading Journal Entry, in your composition book, if possible.Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.
Read Up and Write On!
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