English 10-4 B/D Days, Block 2
Enlgish 10-3 A/C Days Block 4
The following activities took place in class today:1) Writing Journal Entry Prompt 2 All Alone—Mark Twain once said, “The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with oneself.” What do you think he meant by this? Does this idea apply to your own life? Conclude your entry by explaining how you feel about being along. Do you dread it, or do you enjoy having time to yourself?
Homework due next class:
2) Following up on the "scapegoating" activity from last class, students worked in pairs (than as an entire class) to discuss "stereotyping" and how it exists in the current culture.
3) Students were asked to respond to a series of short answer questions dealing with the following Literary Elements and Techniques used by the author in writing Night: exposition, characterization, figurative language, foreshadowing.
1) If necessary, complete the in-class short answer assessment, or catch up on any missing Reading Journal Entries.Remember, it is YOUR responsibility to see the teacher PRIOR to Advisement and arrange for a pass when you need assistance with any home/classwork.
Read Up and Write On!
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